
Thursday, May 5, 2011

Adventures in Organizing: closet revamp

This past weekend, my hubby and I took on the huge task of cleaning out our closet.   I've recently become obsessed with Megan's blog over at Honey We're Home, and her closet was the kick-in-the-butt I needed.  If you haven't seen Megan's closet, check it out...  It's absolutely stunning!

While my closet isn't as grand as Megan's, I still wanted to try to get a little more organized.  I desperately needed to get rid of things I no longer wore.  We started by taking EVERYTHING out of the closet.  Next, we cleaned the closet from top to bottom.  Fun.

With a fresh start, we started on hubby's side first.  He went through all of his stuff and picked out what he actually wears.  We organized his pants, dress shirts, and tees.  Here's a picture of his dress shirts and ties after we were finished sorting his things.

Then came the daunting task of going through my clothes.  Seeing all of my clothes piled high on my bed and surrounding areas made me realize just how much I had.  And I certainly didn't wear them all!  I started with my shoes.  Oh my goodness, I had tons of shoes I never wear!  I think when I got done going through them, I had about 3 big boxes full of shoes to get rid of!  I put my shoes and accessories back in the closet, and moved on to shorts, shirts, dresses, and sweaters.  

I used felt hangers for my sweaters, and draped them so the notches on the hangers don't leave their little bumps.  Thank you to Megan for that tip!  

The hardest part for me was deciding which pants to get rid of.  I went through and tried on every pair and had my husband take pictures from the front and the back.  Amazing what you see in a picture that you don't in a mirror!  I hung my jeans and pants on children's felt hangers - again, thanks Megan!  :)

Now I was in the home stretch.  I went through lingerie, athletic clothes, etc.  They are stored in the baskets shown below.  I also have a shelf for hair products.

I'm so glad we did this closet revamp.  I feel so much better when I walk in and it's not cluttered!  Here's a few final pictures.  What do you think?

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